Things to Remember Before Starting a Kitchen Remodel

Kitchen renovation is rewarding, especially if you want to sell your home. It requires proper planning and getting the right professionals to avoid mistakes. You need to consider the cabinet design, the layout, your budget, and the project duration. So, before hiring contractors to start breaking walls, it's crucial to have a solid plan and budget in place. You don't want to run out of money and stall the project. To help you successfully start and complete your kitchen renovation, here are a few things to decide first.

Decide What You Want to Achieve With Your Renovation

People renovate their homes for various reasons. Consider sitting down and determining your key focus in this renovation. If you wish to change your kitchen cabinet design, add or free up space, change the layout, install the latest appliances, or reposition your kitchen sink, it's essential to decide what you want to achieve at the end of the project.

Choose Your Color Scheme

Whether you want to paint your kitchen cabinets and walls or change the entire house color scheme, it's always crucial that you think about this before starting the renovation. Neutral colors work best. If you're considering a new kitchen cabinet design, make sure they're available in the color you want. You can never go wrong with white kitchen cabinets as they come in different designs, making the kitchen look fresh and bright.

Understand the Details of Your Layout

When you call your kitchen remodeler to review your layout and details, knowing what you want it to look like is critical. If you need an island, have an estimate of the height and length to ensure you're not limiting your space. If you add cabinets, decide the average height for every family member. According to Home Questions Answered, the average height of kitchen base cabinets, including the countertop, is 36 inches, and that may be the height of your current cabinets.

Plan Your Appliances Carefully

The last thing you want is to create space for a specific appliance only to find that it doesn't fit or you don't have enough money to get what you desire. It's common for people to ignore appliances in their plan, which leads to running out of budget, prompting you to purchase lower-quality products.

Kitchen remodeling is an exciting project. If done well, you will reap the benefits every day. Contact our team at Keystone Kitchens today for new kitchen cabinet design, installation, and building.

Posted: March 8, 2023

Kathryn Mulcahy